Our Team

Kate McCormack
Bachelor of Architecture
Historic Building Consultant
Kate joined ACP on a summer internship in 2017. Upon Graduating from her bachelor’s degree in Architecture Kate resumed work in ACP in 2019. Since returning Kate has worked on a wide range of projects at all stages including design development, surveying, contracts management, planning permission, tender and site supervision. Kate is also an Irish Aviation Authority licensed SUAV / UAV Pilot in order to undertake drone surveys.
Kate has always had a keen interest in the adaptation and retrofitting of buildings to a sustainable standard. Giving new life to historic buildings. She has expanded her education in this area by attending NZEB fundamental and retrofitting courses.
Email: kate@acpgroup.ie

David Humphreys
BAgrSc(Landscape), MSc, PGDipBAdmin(Project Mgmt), DipBldgCons(RICS), CMLI, MILI, MAPM, MIPM, IHBC, MRICS, MSCSI, C.Build.E., FCABE.
Group Director

Simon Collins
C Build E, MCABE
Business Director of North America
Martin English
BSc (Hons) Building Surveying, BSc Management, C Build E, MCABE
Director of Building Surveying

Richard Davies
Dip.Arch.(Hons.), RIBA, ARB, AABC, FRSA
Historic Building Consultant (Associate)

Clair McDonald
BSc Landscape Design, BA Heritage Studies, MA Historic House Studies
Historic Landscape Consultant
Seamus Humphreys
B.Eng.(Hons), MIEI
Senior Conservation Engineer & Project Manager

Denis O'Malley
B.E., Eur.Ing., C.Eng., M.I.E.I
Senior Conservation Engineer

Sheena Ryan
BA(Hons)Fine Art
Historic Interior Consultant

Mike Dawson
H.Dip Product Design
Historic Interior Decoration Consultant

John Bradley
Senior Heritage Planning Consultant