Our Team

Seamus Humphreys

B.Eng.(Hons), MIEI

Senior Conservation Engineer & Project Manager

Seamus qualified as a Civil/Structural Engineer from the University of Limerick. He has extensive experience in surveying and specifying structural repairs to historic buildings. Seamus has worked both in Ireland and the UK. His particular interest is in the conservation of early 20th Century materials such as concrete and steel which changed the structural dynamics of historic buildings.

David Humphreys

BAgrSc(Landscape), MSc, PGDipBAdmin(Project Mgmt), DipBldgCons(RICS), CMLI, MILI, MAPM, MIPM, IHBC, MRICS, MSCSI, C.Build.E., FCABE.

Group Director

Simon Collins

C Build E, MCABE

Business Director of North America

Martin English

BSc (Hons) Building Surveying, BSc Management, C Build E, MCABE

Director of Building Surveying

Richard Davies

Dip.Arch.(Hons.), RIBA, ARB, AABC, FRSA

Historic Building Consultant (Associate)

Clair McDonald

BSc Landscape Design, BA Heritage Studies, MA Historic House Studies

Historic Landscape Consultant

Kate McCormack

Bachelor of Architecture

Historic Building Consultant

Denis O'Malley

B.E., Eur.Ing., C.Eng., M.I.E.I

Senior Conservation Engineer

Sheena Ryan

BA(Hons)Fine Art

Historic Interior Consultant

Mike Dawson

H.Dip Product Design

Historic Interior Decoration Consultant

John Bradley


Senior Heritage Planning Consultant